Our ISO 27001 certified Anycast Domain Name Servers are geographically distributed as instances (replications) across around 11 locations Europe-wide. If the location of a DNS fails or the response times increase excessively due to an attack, the queries are automatically routed to the geographically closest location of the respective DNS. Due to the short distances to nearby locations, latencies are reduced, response times are shortened and the total server load is distributed across the entire Anycast network. Benefit from our performance for maximum availability of your domains.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the basis of all services on the Internet. If DNS becomes the target of a DDoS attack, all domains resolved by this DNS are directly affected.
The solution: Our Anycast DNS
Anycast Standorte
Bratislava (SK) | Malmo (SE) | Ljubljana (SI) | London (UK) | Luxembourg (LU) | Milan (IT) | Stockholm (SE) | Stockholm (SE) | Stockholm (SE) | Stockholm (SE) | Wien (AT)
The Anycast DNS is an extension of the DNS NODE+ service and can be used in combination as an add-on. The zone administration of the name servers can be carried out quickly and easily via our administration interface or via XML API.
The security of your data is our top priority. We therefore attach great importance to the operation and security of our systems. Read more about this under operational safety.