Domain-Robot Software

A dedicated domain robot is particularly suitable for setting up a local domain management solution with special requirements for the configuration or data security of the system. In addition, the connection to existing systems can be an important argument in favour of operating your own software. The solution for these requirements is: Domainmanager

At a glance

Interface management

There are over 10 different interfaces to registrars and registrars for the Domain Manager. The interface management is also available for the name server (DNS) area with currently 2 modules.

User administration

The user administration is divided into 3 different user categories. The number of user levels is unlimited. The system also offers extensive rights management and logging of all actions.

Programming interfaces

Access to all software functions is possible via 3 different programming interfaces (API). In addition to the APIs, the system offers flexible plug-in methods (hooks) for certain action points to extend existing programme sequences